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GitHub Repository Knowledge Source

Epis Base enables seamless integration with both public and private GitHub repositories, allowing you to incorporate supported file formats into your knowledge base efficiently.

Adding a GitHub Repository

GitHub Repository Knowledge Base Sync
  • Select GitHub Source: During the creation of a new knowledge source, choose the “GitHub” option.

  • Enter Repository URL: Provide the HTTPS URL of the desired GitHub repository. By default, Epis Base will sync with the repository’s default branch. If you wish to specify a different branch, you can do so at this stage.

  • Provide Personal Access Token (PAT): For private repositories, and to enhance synchronization speed for public ones, it’s recommended to generate a read-only Personal Access Token (PAT). This token ensures secure and efficient data retrieval. For guidance on creating a PAT, refer to GitHub’s documentation on managing personal access tokens. Rest assured, your PAT is securely stored using our encryption management system.

    How to generate a PAT:

    • Go to GitHub and navigate to Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens:
      • Select “Tokens (classic)” for older style tokens
      • Or choose “Fine-grained tokens” for more granular control
    • Click on “Generate new token”:
      • For classic tokens: Click “Generate new token (classic)”
      • For fine-grained tokens: Click “Generate new token”
    • Provide a name for the token
    • Select the scopes you need:
      • For read-only access, select repo:status and repo_deployment
      • For private repos, also select repo scope
    • Click on “Generate token”
    • Copy the token and use it in the Epis Base integration

    For detailed instructions, see GitHub’s documentation on managing personal access tokens.

Selecting Content to Sync

GitHub Repository Preview Before Sync
  • Root Folders Specification: If you prefer not to sync the entire repository, specify which folders to include by entering their paths in the “Root Folders” field, separated by commas (e.g., docs, src/markdown).
  • Initiate Synchronization: Click “Save & Sync” to commence the synchronization process. Epis Base will begin processing the specified files, and you can monitor the progress on the content page.

By following these steps, you can effectively integrate and manage content from GitHub repositories within Epis Base, tailoring the synchronization to your specific requirements.

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